Receding gums can occur for many reasons, but the problem can be rectified through a treatment known as gum grafting. This is a surgical, dental procedure that works to repair a smile that has been affected by gum recession and prevent tooth loss in almost any patient. Those considering gum grafting in SW Calgary may fear dealing with pain during and after their surgery, but knowing what to expect can help reduce stress and allow patients to move forward with the procedure with confidence. Our team at Apple Dental Group explains everything you need to know about gum grafting in this blog post.
The Essentials of Gum Grafting
Receding gums usually occur as people age, but there are many other causes as well, such as using the wrong toothbrush, not brushing properly or often enough, or poor flossing techniques. As time goes on, the gums pull back from teeth, leading to a variety of issues such as:
- Loose teeth
- sensitivity to hot and cold substances
- consistent pain and pressure
If this issue is not treated promptly, tooth loss can occur where the gums are receding. Gum grafting near you is a procedure that works to replace receded gum tissue with healthy and strong tissue taken from the palate of your mouth, reversing damage, covering exposed roots, and preventing future issues. While this procedure may sound complicated and painful, it is actually quite straightforward and comes with a short recovery time.
What to Expect During Your Procedure
There are many different methods that our dentist near you may choose to use for gum grafting. One of the more common methods is called a connective tissue graft, where our dentist takes flesh from the roof of your mouth and uses it to create new gum tissue around the teeth where roots are exposed.
Most of the time, you will only need a numbing agent to ensure that you do not feel any pain, but if you are very nervous, you can speak to your dentist about options for sedation.
Recovering from a Gum Graft
Patients who undergo gum grafting may want to ask someone to come with them to and from the dental office, as some pain and discomfort can make operating a vehicle more difficult. This is especially important if you choose to undergo sedation, as you will not be eligible to drive for several hours. Once your numbing or sedation wears off, you may experience pain and swelling for up to three days, but this can be managed with pain medications supplied by our dentist in SW Calgary.
Generally, the healing time for a gum graft is shorter than that of a root canal and is also less painful. Most people can return to their routine about a day after their procedure. While speaking and eating may be difficult for the first 24 hours, the grafts tend to heal quickly and easily.
Managing Discomfort
Those who are especially susceptible to discomfort and pain may want to speak to their dentist before undergoing gum graft surgery. Sometimes, a short-term change in lifestyle choices and eating habits can assist with pain management and reduce the risk of becoming dependent on prescription pain medications.
If you have any further questions or concerns about gum grafting, please do not hesitate to contact our team at Apple Dental Group. We look forward to helping you maintain your beautiful smile for years to come.